
Our youngest learners develop their initial positive impressions about themselves, their family and friends, and the wider world. Throughout these early years, students move through a coordinated curriculum guided by teachers committed to seeing that each child achieves and prospers.

Leaders’ College cultivates the habits of heart and mind that carry through a lifetime: an appetite for learning, a curiosity about the world, compassion for others, and confidence in individual abilities.

- Teachers create classes that fuel young minds.
- Individualized instruction. We meet each child where he or she is – intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically – and respond with meaningful child-centered learning themes and experiences.
- Thematic approaches. Students discover how all learning is related as they become better readers, writers, and thinkers. Every day, they learn more about their studies.
- Partnerships with parents. We respond in many ways to individual parent needs, from providing opportunities to learn more about child development to offering extended care

Most of all, we know that educational goals can be achieved in leaps and bounds as well as in small steps. So we guide our youngest students to the paths most appropriate to their achievement levels.