School Policy 2023-2024
Dear parents,
A new scholastic year has begun. We would like to welcome our students back to school and wish them all a fruitful and successful academic year.
School Uniform:
On regular school days, the uniform is as follows:
- Navy pants/skirts.
- Blue polo shirt.
- Navy blue jacket in winter.
- Plain black/dark navy flat shoes.
- White/black/dark navy plain socks.
- White/black/dark navy plain hair bands for girls.
- For veiled students: only white, light grey or navy veil.
N.B.: Shorts are not allowed for Prep & Sec girls.
On P.E sessions:
- Navy blue track pants or shorts for boys.
- Blue PE T-shirt.
- Plain white/black trainers.
- We would like to emphasize that any extra outfit like gloves, headbands, scarves …etc. must be in white, black, or dark blue only.
- Students need to maintain clean/ neat appearance and to be dressed in the appropriate uniform for the school day.
- Maintain a clean and neat hair look, boys’ hair should be regularly cut.
- Hair dye is not allowed.
- No jewelries or tattoos, only stud- earrings for girls are allowed.
- Have short, clean nails. Nail polish is not allowed for girls.
- High heel shoes or soccer shoes are not allowed at school.
- Toys, basketball, football are not allowed to school (any of these will be taken from the student)
- In case of any violations, school regulations will be applied as follows:
1st time: parent will be called by phone.
2nd time: written warning.
3rd time: school suspension may be applied, and the student will not be able to attend any of the scheduled classes.
- The school administration has the right to take extra measures (depriving from break, trip, an activity, or a P.E session) in order to ensure that this will not be repeated again.
Code of Conduct:
- Code of conduct is established to allow the school to achieve its mission.
- If any student fails to abide by the students’ code of conduct, for instance; using bad language, mass fights, vandalism, the school administration has the right to issue consequences.
- Teacher in class will report to the discipline officer, social worker, school counselor and headmistress and an immediate action will take place, involving the parent.
Consequences will vary according to each case:
1- Behavior marks will be deducted in all classes.
2- Detention from break time till a full day detention may be applied.
3- School suspension may be applied starting from 1 day till 15 days.
The students will be responsible for all the academic material taken during this period of detention/suspension.
Bus Transportation:
Bus transportation is an extension of Leaders. Therefore, bus behavior is subject to Leaders Code of Conduct:
- Bus matrons are responsible for the students' safety during bus trips. Students must respect their authority and adhere to their instructions. Matrons are not allowed to deliver / receive any verbal messages between parents and school staff, or ring parents / students when the bus arrives at destination.
- Students are required to stay in their seats and fasten their seat belts.
- Students are not allowed to stand or walk around, while the bus is moving. Students are allowed to sit in the seat assigned by the bus matron.
- Students are refrained from putting their heads, hands, and objects out of the window.
- Students are permitted to get off the bus only at their assigned stops.
- Buses will not wait at the designated stops in the morning for tardy students.
- Buses will not return to students who missed their bus.
- Buses will not move unless all students are seated.
- Students are expected to keep their bus clean, throw trash only in the trash bin.
-No food is allowed inside the bus.
- Students are not to converse with the driver.
- Any misconduct inside the bus, the bus matron will convey to the school counselor and action will be taken. If repeated, this will result in depriving the student from riding the bus.
General Notes:
- Dereliction in school duties (failure to do the HW - failure to bring school stationary) will result in the following consequences:
1st time: teacher will speak directly to the student and set an agreement.
2nd time: the student will have to use his break time to do his/her HW and parent will be informed.
3rd time: HW marks will be deducted, and an email will be sent to the parents.
4th time: detention will be applied for a full day and a parent’s meeting will take place.
Students should bring enough amount of water and food; canteen is available only during break time.
- Junk food is not allowed; this includes fizzy drinks, potato chips, candies & sweets.
*Kindly note that if this rule is not respected, the banned item will be taken from the student.
Your cooperation is highly appreciated.